Landsvirkjun EcoRally Iceland 2024 er keppni raf- og vetnisknúinna ökutækja í nákvæmnis- og sparakstri. Hún er ekki aðeins Íslandsmeistarkeppni heldur er hún hluti af alþjóðlegri bikarkeppni á vegum alþjóða aksturssambandsins sem heitir Bridgestone FIA EcoRally Cup 2024, en tólf keppnir mynda þessa bikarkeppni.
Keppnisfyrirkomulagið er slíkt að allar raf- og vetnisbifreiðar geta tekið þátt í keppninni á nokkurs aukabúnaðar. Aldrei er farið út fyrir ramma umferðarlaga og ávallt ekið undir hámarkshraða.
Keppni sem þessi hefur verið haldin hérlendis fjórum sinnum en þetta er í fyrsta sinn er hún er hluti af formlega viðurkenndri alþjóðlegri bikarkeppni þar sem sigurvegarinn fær sín verðlaun sín afhent á verðlaunaafhendingu FIA við hlið heimsmeistara í Formula 1 og rally svo eitthvað sé nefnt.
Nánari upplýsingar um keppnina er að finna undir Keppendur/Competitors, meðal annars er þar að finna nánari lýsingu á hvernig keppni sem þessi fer fram.
Endilega sending okkur skeyti á til að fá meiri upplýsingar eða til þess að svara spurningum.
Welcome to the Landsvirkjun EcoRally Iceland which is a part of the Bridgestone FIA EcoRally Cup of 2024.
We look forward in seeing a full field compete in this year’s event and hope all competitors will enjoy the route, the refreshments and the near 24 hours of sunlight. The competition will be centered in Reykjavik, where the night stop is, but, the route takes competitors past some of the most beautiful urban and rural areas in Iceland. The variable road surfaces and unique landscapes make the setting ideal for demonstrating the practicalities and running safety of electric cars in surroundings which can be extreme.
Getting to Iceland only takes a short flight, between two and four hours from most European cities. With an offering for over 80 arrivals daily from all major (and some minor) European cities. Experience tells us there are some unbelievable offers to be had so using your web browser to find the best deals is a great idea.
Bringing your own car? There are four shipping lines offering transportation services from Europe to Iceland. Some of these only go to one port but others have a selection of ports across Europe. Please contact us for further information should you want to bring your own car.
In Iceland you will find all the major car manufacturers are well represented, so access to a vehicle can be arranged. Should you want an introduction please let us know.
Iceland, with its modern technological society set in an environment which has deep roots in agricultural and fishing traditions, in old Nordic folklore and in the educational customs of past generations. Clean air, fine restaurants and the many warm swimming pools in Reykjavik make a refreshing change from the usual. Musical, theatrical and evening entertainment and nightlife is legendary.
It is an island full of surprises with the opportunity to see things you have never dreamed of, to see a land of striking contrasts where the elements of ice and fire are omnipresent. Here you find the original Geysir and other hot springs, the expanse of Europe’s largest glacier and volcanoes. The uninhabited interior is the largest area in Europe untouched by human hands, incessantly sculpted by the rough and delicate hands of Mother Nature. Ice and fire are two obvious forces changing the face of Iceland while wind and rain erode young rock into tortuous transient formations.
Here you will find a unique world of natural wonders beginning almost on Reykjavik’s doorstep with breathtaking natural phenomena, waterfalls, hot springs, lava fields, glaciers and bizarre rock formations with still more changes of scenery on hand for those venturing further afield.